Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mardi: Herbal-Wise

Last week we talked about the money and luck drawing powder of fenugreek, a favorite of root doctors. Today, let’s turn a little sideways and focus on the properties of myrtle which comes to hoodoo predominantly through the European botanica.

Myrtle is an ancient favorite for drawing and keeping love. Celtic maidens would wear myrtle flowers in the springtime to attract a lover and the Romans made wreaths of the leaves for the same purpose.

Dried or fresh myrtle can be steeped and added to baths for love-drawing workings or, particularly, to keep a relationship fresh and exciting. Dried myrtle is also added to love-drawing incenses and sachets/mojo bags. Carrying myrtle on your person preserves love.

Myrtle wood is carried to protect a youthful appearance. Scott Cunningham recommends drinking myrtle tea every third day to remain young but warns that the efficacy of this potion will disappear if the tisane is not imbibed on schedule. If you take up this regimen, never miss a third day.

Brides are encouraged to wear or carry myrtle on their wedding day to improve their fertility. Interestingly, however, the old wives’ tale goes that the myrtle (unlike the more common honeysuckle) will ensure a pregnancy later allowing the bride to enjoy the first few months of marriage without the added worry of gestation.

My favorite use for myrtle is as a house blessing. Plant myrtle on each side of your house to ensure peace, love and prosperity as long as you live there. Myrtle planted in a home’s window boxes will have the same effect. Since myrtle is ruled by Venus, these effects will be more pronounced if it is planted by a woman. Something to jot down in your gardening journal for next spring.

Header detail from Vermeer


Timmy! said...

Good thing it's better for a woman to plant it since I am gardening challenged, Pauline.

Pauline said...

I'm not much of a gardener either. We just get our talented daughter to take care of that sort of thing for us.