Saturday, February 12, 2011

Samedi: Prayer to St. Expedite

We've talked about the Roman soldier born and bred in New Orleans, Saint Expedite, before. As we discussed, he is the saintly alter-ego of the Lord of Ghede, Baron Samedi in New Orleans Voodoo. That post is a consistent favorite here at HQ as is the Saint. Anyone who can help you find a solution to a problem quickly is sure to be popular.

Prayer cards are available with the Saint’s likeness – he is invariably shown as a Roman clad in the uniform of a legionnaire and holding a cross, palm frond, or both – on the front and his invocation on the back. The words are curious among prayers to Catholic saints as they specifically mention St. Expedite being able to achieve for the supplicant what his or her abilities cannot. I find this particularly comforting and encouraging; perhaps because I am a writer.

Today, three versions of the Prayer to Saint Expedite from my own prayer card which comes from lovely NOLA herself. Light a red candle (preferably dressed with an oil to match your need as in clove oil for protection, rose for love, cinnamon for money) and recite the prayer that most resonates with you. Allow the candle to burn out completely and then put what is left of the candle – still in its holder – in your freezer. Leave it (and try not to think about your request) until your desire has manifested, then remove the candle from the holder and bury it on your property or in a house plant before making a thank you offering to St. Expedite (try rum; he loves it).

May the intercession of the glorious martyr Saint Expedite, recommend us, O my God, to Thy goodness, in order that his protection may obtain for us what our own merits are powerless to do. Amen.

We supplicate Thee, Lord, to inspire by Thy grace all our thoughts and actions, that Thou being their principle, we may, by the intercession of Saint Expedite, be conducted with courage, fidelity and promptitude, at the time proper and favorable, and come to a good and happy end through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saint Expedite, honored by the gratitude of those who have invoked thee at the last hour and for pressing cases, we pray thee to obtain from the all-powerful goodness of God, by the intercession of Mary Immaculate, the grace we solicit with all submission to the Divine Will. Amen.

Use any or all of these prayers, but always remember to thank the Saint when your request is fulfilled. Bon chance ~

Header: Saint Expedite niche at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, New Orleans


Timmy! said...

Hey, and if you can get it with "promptitude" too, how can you complain about that, Pauline?

Pauline said...

That's kind of how Catholic prayers always go. You should be used to it by now despite your Yankee Protestant upbringing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Saint Expedite! Your swift assistance is very much appreciated. I will glorify your name forever!

Anonymous said...

Thank you St. Expedite for bringing me someone who cares for me deeply. I originally petitioned for someone else which didn't work out. But with your intercession you brought a wonderful, sweet, caring guy who appreciates me for me. He's devoted, romantic and everything I could ever wanted. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and Love to you Saint Expedite.