Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mardi: Herbal-Wise

Anise is a favorite holiday spice, particularly in sweet treats and liqueurs.  It has a licorice or fennel taste to it that some people really like and others are put off by.  I personally fall into the latter category but that doesn’t mean I don’t keep anise around as a magickal assistant when it’s called for.

Anise should not be confused with star anise.  The two plants are completely different and look it.  That said, they are both used in hoodoo and Wicca to similar ends: to increase psychic abilities and ward off the Evil Eye.

Old wives in Europe used to advise hanging a sprig of anise on the bedpost when a girl began to mature.  This was to be freshened regularly with the thought that it would help keep her youthful.

In Wicca, sachets filled with anise seeds are stuffed under one’s pillow to keep nightmares away.  Anise seeds are also added to baths to help in spiritual purification; Scott Cunningham recommends adding bay leaves as well.  Anise leaves and flowers are strewn around the home or used to form the outline of a magick circle to keep evil at bay.  Needless to say, anise grown in the garden helps protect the home and property.

In hoodoo, anise seeds are one ingredient in Psychic Vision Oil.  They can be burned as an incense to encourage psychic dreaming or open psychic centers before undertaking a card reading, a lot casting, a scrying and so on.

Likewise, a mojo bag to aid in divination can be made with star anise, anise seeds and dried yarrow flowers or leaves.  Carried, this is thought to increase psychism and should be held in the hands prior to undertaking a reading.  Bonne chance ~

Header: A Christmas Frolic by Louis Loeb via American Gallery


Timmy! said...

I would like to increase my psychic abilities and ward off the Evil Eye, Pauline. I guess I need to start using anise...

Pauline said...

What's curious to me about this is that simply eating the stuff is never mentioned as a path to those goals.

Magickal traditions are a fascinating study, I must say.