Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mardi: Herbal-Wise

Slippery elm, also known as red or Indian elm, is a species of tree native to most of North America.  Its use in all modern magickal and medicinal practice probably originated with Native American tribes of both the north and south.  The tree, which has a reddish bark and a gooey, sappy interior, has been used for years in preparations to ease upper respiratory congestion.  The bark of the tree is generally the preferred magickal catalyst.

In Pow-wow, slippery elm bark is mixed with gag root and carried to stop gossip.

Wiccans burn the bark as an incense to stop gossip and malicious tales being told about the residents of the home being treated.  Scott Cunningham notes that charms carved from the bark can be worn by children, particularly around the neck, so that they develop a “silver tongue” as they grow to adulthood.

In hoodoo, the dried bark is sprinkled in the corners of a home or workplace to rid the area of evil and put down harmful gossip that may be affecting those who live and/or work on the premises.  A mojo against slander can be made using dried rue, slippery elm bark and a turbo or “cat’s eye” shell.  Carry this with you to keep the jealous tongues of enemies and false friends from wagging.  A third trick for the same issues is to put a pinch of slippery elm bark in each of your shoes.  Bonne chance ~

Header: British poster from World War II via Mid-Century


Timmy! said...

Of course she's hot looking, she's a spy, Pauline!

Or is it the other way around?

In any case, I'm not sure I want to put any kind of bark in my shoes, but I might carry it with me in a mojo bag or something like that...

Pauline said...

I'm not sure what the cause and affect is in that lady spy thing. And the bark does need to be ground down to a powder before you sprinkle it in your shoes.