Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mardi: Herbal-Wise

Before the deciduous trees and shrubs start to show buds in the very early spring, the evergreen pine is already producing cones. Since it’s been green all winter, the hearty pine is ahead of the game. Not surprisingly, pine is a powerful herb in hoodoo as well as Wicca and Druidism. It can be used for money drawing, fertility and to cleanse people and places of negativity.

According to Catherine Yronwode of Lucky Mojo Curio, the Native American Iroquois burned pine chips in a new abode to drive away spirits. She also notes that adding camphor to the pine needles will increase their efficacy for this purpose. Scott Cunningham also recommends burning pine needles to cleanse a home of negativity and/or turn away a jinx. He goes on to recommend scattering needles on the floor or at the front door to prevent evil from entering. Both writers mention bathing in water to which pine needles have been added to banish that nagging feeling of personal negativity.

Pine-Sol, the prepared cleaner found at the market, is a favorite hoodoo wash to which things like Van Van oil, vinegar or even urine are added. The cleaner is then used around the house or workplace to keep away crossed conditions and draw in money/business.

The cones of a pine are particularly coveted for their powers. An unopened pinecone kept in the house is said to ensure long life, health, fertility and to keep evil away. Root workers say that if the cone begins to open it should be planted immediately and another unopened cone found to take its place.

Pine branches can also be hung above beds to keep illnesses at bay. The Holiday tradition of hanging evergreen on the front door was originally a year round practice meant to bring perpetual health and happiness to those who lived in the home.

My family has the good fortune to have a stand of pine in the front yard of our home and I like to offer the trees little treats now and then. I give them sugary water once in a while and, if I take a cone or some branches, I always pay them back with a shiny penny tucked down near their roots. It’s the least I can do, after all, while they stand out in the cold quietly guarding us from harm.

Header: Morning in the Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin c 1889


Timmy! said...

The moose like to chew on them sometimes, too...

Does burning spruce logs in your fireplace count at all, Pauline? If so, our family room should be completely cleansed of negativity, Pauline.

Timmy! said...

Oh, and the painting is cute too...

Look at the cuddly teddy bears!

Pauline said...

I have to assume that any pine is going to have some relative effect. And yeah; I really like that picture. Must be a good year given that Mom has three cubs (by good year I mean "for food" not for poor Mom - exhausted!)