Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mercredi: The Art of Beauty

I'm dating myself here but anyone who remembers the campy old "Batman" TV show will remember one of the two original Catwomen - the other being Ertha Kitt - Julie Newmar. When I was in 2nd grade all I wanted for Christmas was one of those sparkly bodysuits. I got a bathrobe.

Anyway, for a double dose of beauty and style, click over to the ever-wonderful Mid-Century Modern Freak on Tumblr to see some stunning shots of Ms. Newmar in an awesome mid-century interior. Meow!

Header: Julie Newmar c 1958 via Mid-Century Modern Freak ~ love that wry smile


Timmy! said...

Julie was definitely smokin' hot, Pauline. She always was (and still is) my favorite Catwoman, hands down.

Pauline said...

She was awesome. I like Ertha Kitt too; she had that amazing voice to go with the cat suit.