Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mercredi: The Art of Beauty

Today, a picture far more powerful than any written word. "A Sea Coast Promenade Fashion" from about 1812. Probably a British fashion print. Oh to be by the sea in that lovely ensemble. Thanks to A Harlot's Progress for the original posting.


Mike Hebert said...

Bonne fĂȘte, Pauline! Sorry about ya'll dog and hope the sun shines again for you!

Pauline said...

Merci, Mike. We have the great good fortune to have another Saint - Moose - who is a big, goofy clown. Nothing cheers the heart quite like a beloved pet. I'll always love and miss Thor; but Moose makes the whole experience a little less painful.

Timmy! said...

Happy Birthday, Pauline. My love, my life.

Kittie Howard said...

I'm trying to make good my New Year's resolution to visit more blogs more often. Last year was so hectic! And here I read you've lost a beloved pet. I'm sorry! So very sorry and send you warm healing wishes. Our Chena was 21 when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It was like losing a child. I was a bucket of tears for weeks.

Pauline said...

Timmy!: Thank you for making it another happy one :)

Kittie: Thank you for stopping by; I hope you will be able to visit HQ often. Thank you also for your kind words. I am thankful for the time we had with Thor but you are so right; these losses are not so much of pets but of family members.