Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mercredi: The Art of Beauty

Another glorious French fashion plate from the early 19th century (probably around 1807) today. The ladies on the left, who are overlooking a menu, have joined their - I have to say it - more elegant friend for ices. The problem is that the two cannot seem to make up their mind. The waiter is clearly trying to help, or make some time, but both seem utterly stumped. It's the Directoire version of going to Baskin-Robbins without a flavor in mind.

Header: L'Embarras du Choix (the embarrassment of choice) from Le Bon Genre No. 44 via A Harlot's Progress


Timmy! said...

It definitely looks to me like there is some mutual flirting going on there, Pauline...

Pauline said...

She must be just doing what comes naturally for French girls.

Ana said...

Now I want an ice-cream.

(A wonderful plate, indeed (: !)

Pauline said...

Me too; thank you, Ana.